The Evaluation of Building and Sustaining the Laos CLE Network


27 May 2023


8:30 – 10:00 (Bangkok Time)


Thong Khaw Room 1


Thatsanalone Sisounonth, FLP

Bounnam Lattanasom, NIJ

Bounlom Khansanga, NIJLPB

Kaisone Insiri, FLP

Khamphiew Vilayphone, FLP

Phothisack Souvanhvongchan, FLA

Souksavad Inthapanya, NIJSVK

Session Description

This session will be bringing good practice and lesson learn of the network of CLE in Laos, focusing on background of CLE in Laos, how suitable and how they support each other and the goals to have CLE in Laos.

Download the Session Materials