Warisha Farasat

Lawyer – Supreme Court of India & Delhi High Court

Warisha Farasat is an alumus of the NLSIU, Bangalore and Columbia Law School, where she was a Henkin Stoffel Fellow. She worked at the International Center for Transitional Justice, New York, where she advised governments, international tribunals, survivor networks, and civil society organisations on international criminal law, reparations, truth commissions, and transitional justice. She has been litigating in India where she is at the forefront of legal defense in criminal trials and constitutional cases involving minorities, marginalized communities, intellectual and political dissidents and journalists who have been wrongly booked under draconian national security and other laws.

She is also a Member of an International Expert Panel & Thought leader in “Prevention Project, Making Preventions a Reality: A Framework Approach” led by Pablo de Grieff (Rapporteur, UN HRC Experts’ Group on Prevention (2019-2020) on a project that follows up on ideas on prevention of serious human rights violations. She has been widely published on human rights, freedom of speech and expression, international criminal law, international law, peace, and transitional justice. Her book ‘Splintered Justice: Living the Horror of mass communal violence in Bhagalpur and Gujarat (December, 2016),’ examines lack of accountability & justice for mass crimes.