By Kevin Morley_Co-Founder and Co-Director of BABSEACLE
Saturday, January 10th, 2015, saw large numbers of the Bridges Across Borders South East Asia Community Legal Education Initiative (BABSEACLE) team, our partners and supporters take part in a new event: the Access to Justice Weekend which combined the 6th Trio for Justice with the Access to Justice Fair along with two days of trainings, a dinner and a movie night. This groundbreaking occasion took place on a fine Saturday morning, at Huey Tueng Tao Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand, with a post-event dinner. This was all followed by directors working lunch, the next day.

IMGP2257 The Chiang Mai BABSEACLE team organized a truly impressive affair, which not only enhanced BABSEACLE’s reputation as a knowledgeable, reliable and supportive organization, but was also a great way to tap into shared advice, expertise and ideas. Meeting with like-minded people, who have common concerns, provided the opportunity to exchange experiences and to understand new initiatives that relate d to BABSEACLE’s, and those of its partners, current developments and goals for 2016. This annual “gathering of the clan” saw many positive developments that have come about since 2014.
As a BABSEACLE director, I was particularly struck by the massively increased participation from the Myanmar group, and as a resident of Singapore, the weekend was a great chance to participate, to re-establish old ties, to spend time catching-up and to network. Connecting with so many people, at one time, opened the door to talk to local and international members of the team, whom I wouldn’t have been able to easily talk to, otherwise. I am sure that we were all imbued with a renewed sense of purpose, and made new friends and acquaintances. It was truly a time to remember.
