
Raising awareness for access to justice became a walk in the park at BABSEACLE and BABSEACLE Foundation’s 6th Trio For Justice which was held on Saturday, 10 January 2015 as a part of the Access to Justice Weekend. The proceeds of this event support the work BABSEACLE and our partners do with universities to establish and support Clinical Legal Education (CLE) Programs in Thailand, as well as BABSEACLE’s projects supporting university-based and community-based CLE Programs throughout the region —working on issues of land law and sustainable development, the rights of stateless persons, rights of persons with HIV, migrant worker rights, prisoners’ rights, juvenile justice, access to health care, and the rights of transgender people and sex workers.

The Trio For Justice comprised of a half-marathon, a 10K and 5K run/walk as well as a 3K fun run/walk. We combined the Trio For Justice with the popular Access to Justice Public Interest Fair (A2J). These events were followed by the Access to Justice Celebration Dinner in the evening of the 10th and an access to justice themed movie night under the stars on Sunday the 11th. Various CLE workshops for law students from the region were added to the agenda on Thursday and Friday to complete the Access to Justice Weekend(Click here for more information)


access to justice

The Access to Justice Fair offers various organisations and foundations in the Southeast Asian region the opportunity to share their experiences and efforts in furthering access to justice. The A2J Fair is a way for like-minded organisations to come together in their shared objectives, of creating awareness about social issues faced by marginalized groups. This year, the A2J Fair included attendees from organisations such as DLA Piper/New Perimeter,  MPlus, Dinki cakes, Healing Family Foundation, International Justice Mission (IJM),  the University of Phayao, Daughters of Tomorrow(Dot), Children’s Organisation of South East Asia,  Alice in Dot’s World(ADW), S-TAC, Photo Kids, Amnesty International Thailand, and Urban Light. This is a great opportunity for all participants to network and exchange thoughts on social justice topics.

In the evening, the Access to Justice Celebration Dinner rounded off an exciting day. The dinner was to celebrate both the Trio For Justice and A2J Fair to give all participants a chance to deepen connections with each other and replenish after great accomplishments. It also aimed to gather individuals and organizations interested in social justice work so that they may learn about and promote access to justice and secure support for the social justice work of BABSEACLE, BABSEACLE Foundation, partner organizations and partner universities. The dinner was held at the BABSEACLE Volunteer House at 8 Soi 6, T Suandok, TSuthep where a buffet and drinks awaited the guests.

Thank you for joining us, our partners and our sponsors in raising awareness and funds for access to justice by participating in the popular run/walk family event to benefit community trainings and clinical legal education for law students.