by Wendy | Feb 28, 2012 | Vietnam
Bringing CLE to the Big Screen By Le Nguyen Gia Thien, BABSEACLE Fellow, University of Economics and Law, Viet Nam We have been working hard to introduce CLE into Vietnamese universities and we were incredibly fortunate to be able to work with The United Nations...
by Wendy | Feb 28, 2012 | Australia, Vietnam
A Freehills “Fellow” Teaches Lawyering Skills and Learns about Life in Viet Nam By Matthew Goerke, Freehills Lawyer, Volunteer 2011 In April and May of 2011, I was lucky enough to spend six weeks in Vietnam and Thailand working with BABSEACLE – an...
by Wendy | Feb 28, 2012 | Vietnam
Training Materials on HIV and the Law in Viet Nam: Overcoming Challenges the BABSEACLE Way! By Members of the HIV Manual Editorial Team In recent years, the government of Viet Nam has focused on educating citizens on the Law on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control in order...
by Wendy | Feb 28, 2012 | Vietnam
CLE and Debate: an “IDEA” Whose Time Has Come By Tue Phuong Nguyen, CLE Project Coordinator, Viet Nam 2011 marked an innovative milestone in the further development of CLE and access to justice in the Southeast Asia region. This was the year BABSEACLE and the...
by Wendy | Feb 28, 2012 | Externship Page, Thailand
Summer Intern Reflection Sunny Jeong, USA, Summer Intern 2011, Juris Doctor Candidate, 2012, William S. Boyd School of Law University of Nevada, Las Vegas The strongest memories I have from my internship come from the close bond I made with the BABSEACLE family. I...