Taking A Leading Role in Myanmar CLE Mock Trial Event

Taking A Leading Role in Myanmar CLE Mock Trial Event

BABSEACLE continues its dedication to developing university-based and community-based clinical legal education (CLE) programs throughout Asia with recent highly participated event, the second Myanmar National CLE Mock Trial Event. BABSEACLE developed the CLE mock...
7th Trio For Justice – January 2016

7th Trio For Justice – January 2016

Click here to find out more about the 7th Trio for Justice Raising awareness for access to justice becomes a walk in the park at BABSEACLE and BABSEACLE Foundation’s 7th Trio For Justice on Saturday, 23 January, 2016. The proceeds support the work BABSEACLE Foundation...
4th Annual Asia Pro Bono Conference & Legal Ethics Forum

4th Annual Asia Pro Bono Conference & Legal Ethics Forum

September 3-6, 2015 Mandalay Myanmar The Conference supports a movement The philosophy of the annual Conference is unique because it aims to initiate a wide movement of practising and promoting pro bono and legal ethics among different stakeholders in the whole Asian...