BABSEA CLE Quarterly Newsletter
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Dear BABSEA CLE Friends and Supporters,
Happy Holidays from all of us at BABSEA CLE. We cannot believe this amazing year has come to a close. In the months passing in the final quarter of 2013 our organization has been involved in numerous enthusing workshops, conferences and events. This newsletter is teeming with passionate articles written by, and about, the experiences of our BABSEA CLE hardworking team members, interns, volunteers and partners. During this end of the year quarter, like the rest of the year, there has been vital work done on ensuring access to justice through improving legal education.
Within this newsletter, you will be updated on many of our latest projects and activities written with first hand experiences. These events have included the 3rd Access to Justice Public Interest Fair, 2nd South East Asia/Asia Pro Bono Conference and Workshop, the Clinical Legal Education as a Means to Assist in Reforming the Thailand Legal Education System: Regional and International Experiences and Perspectives Conference and the Global Alliance for Justice Education 7th Worldwide Conference.
We also want to share with you our preparations and excitement for our 5th Trio For Justice weekend that takes place in less than 3 weeks (January 11-12th)
We also have articles about our team’s involvement in BABSEA CLE reflecting their dedication and hard work for our organization.
Finally, as the year closes BABSEA CLE would like to announce that our next SE Asia/Asia Pro Bono Conference and Workshop, which will be done in partnership with the Law Society of Singapore, will take place on October 9th-11th, 2014. More details on this event will be coming soon in the annual BABSEA CLE magazine which you will receive in early 2014.
In this season of goodwill and kindness we want to share with you our gratitude for your support which has led to so much of our team and partners’ significant accomplishments. We hope and believe that the next year will continue to be as impactful and far reaching.
Thank you again for making the difference you make,
Experiences at GAJE Conference 2013
It was such very a wonderful opportunity to have attended the 7th Worldwide Conference of the Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE) from 10 to 18 December 2013. Read more
European Sharing of Pro Bono and Clinical Legal Education Lessons:
BABSEA CLE Experiences at the 7th Annual Pro Bono Forum and
1st European Network For Clinical Legal Education
Our entire time in Poland was so memorable. Work, friendship, professional and personal development was achieved. Read more
Conference Report: 2nd South East Asia/Asia Pro Bono Conference and Workshop provides boost to pro bono legal culture in the region
Like the first conference held in 2012 in Vientiane, Laos, the Second South East Asia/Asia Pro Bono Conference and Workshop held from 11-12 October 2013.
The 3rd Annual “Access to Justice Public Interest Fair” was held on 16th November 2013 at the Kantary Hills Hotel in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
The 3rd Annual “Access to Justice Public Interest Fair” was held on 16th November 2013 at the Kantary Hills Hotel in Chiang Mai, Thailand.Read more
New Perimeter and Bridges Across Borders Southeast Asia Community Legal Education Initiative Complete Second Myanmar National CLE Workshop
New Perimeter, DLA Piper’s nonprofit affiliate dedicated exclusively to global pro bono work… Read more.
The Clinical Legal Education as a Means to Assist in Reforming the Thailand Legal Education System: Regional and International Experiences and Perspectives Khon Kaen Conference
The Clinical Legal Education as a Means to Assist in Reforming the Thailand Legal Education System: Regional and International Experiences and Perspectives conference was successful in
A Model of the Intersection and Collaboration Between Pro Bono and Justice Education: Experiences in Southeast Asia
There has been an increase in the development of pro- bono and justice education collaborative initiatives in a number of countries in the Southeast Asia region. Read more
The Fifth “Trio For Justice” is a half-marathon run, 10K run/walk, and 5K run/walk, as well as an additional free 3K for kids, with a purpose to raise awareness about access to justice issues in the region Read more. |
FLP CLE Community Teaching in Vientiane, Laos 2013-
Start up with “Sisathanark Lower Secondary school”
As of 7 November 2013, the Clinical Legal Education, Faculty of Law and Political Science (FLP CLE) has conducted various Community Teaching programs in Vientiane. Read more. |
CLE English Skills and Practice Workbook – A work in progress
The directors of BABSEA CLE first discussed the idea of writing a Clinical Legal Education (CLE) textbook for learners of English way back, in 2007 or 2008..Read more. |
My Experience at BABSEA CLE
As a lecturer at the National University of Laos Faculty of Law and Political Science I am very grateful to have the opportunity of experiencing living in Chiang Mai from October 2013 – January 2014.Read more. |
Reflection of the CLE course at La Trobe University.
At the beginning of the CLE program I had mixed emotions, I was not only extremely excited to begin but I was also a little bit apprehensive of what I was expected to do. Read more. |
Reflections of a New Volunteer to BABSEA CLE
I am a retired legal adviser from England. I started my voluntary experience here shortly after arriving in Chiang Mai in November this year. Read more . |
UWCSEA Students volunteering at BABSEA CLE
As a busy non-government organization, BABSEA CLE is always looking for support from suitably qualified people who are looking to volunteer in Southeast Asia. We are constantly seeking supporters with experience in a variety of fields.
CLE Impact- Australia
A common aim of Clinical Legal Education (CLE)is ‘providing professional skills training, instilling professional values of public responsibility and social justice in law students. Read more. |
My first time in Chiang Mai
My first time in Chiang Mai has been participating in the the BABSEA CLE Externship Clinic and I would like to share my experience Read more |
International Legal Studies Externship Clinic
International Legal Studies Externship Clinic offers interns a “hands-on” opportunity to make a real contribution helping people achieve access to justice in SEA.
Learn more. |
BABSEA CLE Calendar 2014
Enter the new year with the BABSEA CLE calendar that will keep you up to date with our events and remind you of our achievements this year.
5th Trio For Justice
The 5th Trio For Justice will be coming in January 12th 2014. Learn more. |