BABSEACLEA is an Australian registered non-profit legal education and access to justice organization established to further strengthen legal education and access to justice collaborations between Australia and the Southeast/South Asia regi
What we do:
- BABSEACLE AUSTRALIA aims to build bridges by raising awareness about the issues faced by the communities we serve, by facilitating people-to-people and institutional exchanges, volunteer programmes and legal trainings, and by building a network of legal professionals and community leaders to address the root causes of access to justice issues.
- BABSEACLE AUSTRALIA supports universities, law faculties and organizational partners to develop and strengthen university-based Clinical Legal Education and Community Empowerment Programmes between Southeast/South Asia and Australia.
- BABSEACLE AUSTRALIA, working collaboratively with BABSEACLE and other organizations, helps to develop and support Community and Clinical Legal Education programmes in Australia, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam, and the Philippines.
What is Clinical Legal Education?
Clinical legal education is a progressive educational system most often implemented through university- based faculty of law programs to help develop better-trained, more socially conscious ethical lawyers. Yet, while this type of educational program is often implemented by law faculties, it is not limited solely to such institutions and can readily be practiced by a wide assortment of other faculties and in interdisciplinary programs. Clinical legal education is a process whereby students learn by doing.
It is an experiential problem solving based model, in which students actively involve themselves in either real client/personal interaction or simulation lessons set up to mirror real client/personal scenarios. The process is conducted under the supervision of experienced law clinicians and legal practitioners. As a teaching device, this type of experiential problem-based learning is considered a highly effective means of adult learning where, unlike in rote memorization situations, students can learn and retain a vast amount of what is taught. The use of this interactive method of teaching focuses these students on becoming more able, thorough and ethical advocates, solicitors, governmental and private employers/employees, as well as global citizens. Simultaneously, through the programmes focusing on working with socially vulnerable and marginalized individuals and communities, participants in the programmes develop a much strong pro-bono, community service ethos.
Ways to get involved:
- Provide technical, administrative and organizational support which helps establish and strengthens university-based and community-based CLE programmes.
- Conduct grassroots “training of trainers” workshops, using interactive Community Legal Education methodology.
- Develop and assist in the development of interactive legal curricula and manuals for university law faculties, community-based legal advisors, paralegals, non-governmental and governmental organizations.
- Facilitate CLE exposure visits and CLE exchanges and trainings between students, academics and members of the legal profession.
- Work to “team” new university clinics with established university clinics, and to team clinics with pro bono departments of law firms and corporations.
- Train and assist in the development of the professional, ethical and legal skills of lawyers and legal academics.
- Participate in opportunities for pro bono departments of law firms, corporations and to sponsor BABSEACLE Legal Fellows and CLE programmes.