Kyi Suu

Country Program Manager, International Bridges to Justice – IBJ (Myanmar)

Kyi completed her law degree in 2014 and was appointed as a Higher-Grade Pleader in 2015. Her dedication to legal scholarship led her to pursue a master’s degree in civil law from the University of Mandalay, which she successfully obtained in 2018. During her academic journey, Kyi broadened her horizons through international experiences. She embarked on a comprehensive study of Comparative Legal History, Contemporary Jurisprudence, and EU Administrative Law at Uppsala University, Sweden, from August 2017 to January 2018.

Her early career involved serving in a pro bono office in Mandalay, where she actively engaged in labour-related pro bono work. As a field researcher, Kyi made significant contributions to the “Civil Documentation and Statelessness” Research Project in the Mandalay Region from February 2018 to June 2018. This project, a collaboration between The Raoul Wallenberg Institute (Lund University, Sweden) and the University of Mandalay, aimed to shed light on issues surrounding civil documentation and statelessness. Furthermore, Kyi actively participated in the development of the Rule of Law Handbook for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Myanmar, a project organized by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Myanmar.

Driven by her commitment to promoting access to justice and the rule of law in Myanmar, Kyi joined International Bridges to Justice (IBJ) in 2018. Since then, she has been dedicated to rule of law and access to justice in Myanmar. Currently, Kyi is working as the Country Program Manager for IBJ Myanmar, overseeing the implementation of legal aid initiatives and contributing to the organization’s mission.