2025 Asia CLE Mock Sentencing Hearing
We are excited to announce that the 2025 Asia CLE Mock Sentencing Hearing Workshop & Event will be held in person this year. This highly anticipated training will provide future legal practitioners across Asia with a unique hands-on learning experience, focusing on fair trial, access to justice, and the Rule of Law.
Workshop Date: 26 May 2025
Event Date: 27 May 2025
Location: UNISERV, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
The 2025 Asia CLE Mock Sentencing Hearing is a collaborative, practical learning experience with subject matter that focuses on relevant legal issues and social justice outcomes. It is an abbreviated form of the Standard/Traditional Mock Trial. Participants are involved in the sentencing hearing which focuses on what should be the appropriate penalty for a person who has already been found guilty, or pled guilty, during a criminal trial.
These types of hearings provide students with an insight into court sentencing procedures and potential penalties of crimes that breach the criminal code. They further develop students’ knowledge, values and skills in relation to court procedure and sentencing hearings, in-line with both local and international court procedure standards and practice
The training and case scenarios will focus on the core principles of fair trial, access to justice and Rule of Law. Participants will have the first-hand opportunity to practice legal, analytical, and advocacy skills in a simulated courtroom, learn about courtroom procedure in a hearing and to gain an appreciation of the importance of court etiquette, legal ethics and the Rule of Law in actual law practice. Of equal importance, Participants are shown clear examples of what a fair trial should and can be.

CLE Mock Trail Event in 2019
In order to qualify for selection, a participant must:
- Be actively involved and committed to their university clinical legal education (CLE) programs or to programs at their university supporting pro bono and/or access to justice;
- Have a solid knowledge of the English language (Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading), because the training will be conducted in English;
- Available and commit to actively participating in all the training sessions;
- Be currently enrolled in a Bachelor of Law program.
Event Structure
26 May 2025
A one-day training on overview of issues related to sexual and GBV, sentencing and punishment principle, arguments and presentation techniques, and sentencing hearing procedures.
The training will be delivered by legal practitioners.
27 May 2025
Outstanding participants will be selected to advance to this round taking place in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The participants will apply the knowledge and skills gained from the training to a hypothetical scenario.
The participants will be divided into 8 teams to collaboratively present mock hearings. Legal practitioners will serve as judges to provide feedback on the performance and sentencing.

CLE Mock Trail Event in 2018
Organized by BABSEACLE in collaboration with key justice sector partners, this initiative continues to equip law students and professionals with essential legal skills while raising awareness about Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and strategies to combat it.