“Currently Being Updated”

Bridges Across Borders South East Asia Community Legal Education Singapore Ltd. (BABSEACLE Singapore) is a not-for-profit charity, incorporated and domiciled in the Republic of Singapore. The principle activities of BABSEACLE Singapore are those of conducting legal education training programs/workshops in collaboration with the Singapore Law Society, Singapore Management University, the National University of Singapore and members of the Singapore legal community.
Singapore is a dynamic regional hub for BABSEACLE to spread legal education initiatives in Southeast Asia. Singapore hosts some of the best universities and law schools in the region, notably the Singapore Management University (SMU) and the National University of Singapore (NUS).
A New Regional Center
BABSEACLE Singapore may eventually act as a regional office and coordination centre for clinical legal education in the region. BABSEACLE Singapore brings us closer to Singapore-based lawyers and law students who wish to further their knowledge of legal and social justice issues in Southeast Asia. These lawyers and law students represent a potentially important pool of volunteers for BABSEACLE’s activities throughout the region.
BABSEACLE Singapore is a valuable supplement for a wider social justice promotion network in Southeast Asia.
Worth Performance
Every year, we are building bridges through our internship program. Many interns from Singapore came and joined us for placements in in Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar. They spent their time volunteering to teach English for children and adults at Wat Sai Moon (Burmese temple in Thailand), and participating in the seminar, workshop, meeting and conference. There are many partners and universities who work with us: United World College of South East Asia, Singapore Management University, and University of Singapore. Furthermore, Singapore is home to numerous quality law firms with legal professionals who are willing to work with us to improve social justice in the region. Examples include Singapore Law Society, Herbert Smith Freehills, DLA Piper, White & Case, and Drew & Napier. All of these firms have already worked with and supported BABSEACLE’s work.